Friday, April 12, 2013

For this project we had to make something artistic, and entirely our own. I was inspired by some pictures of a baby with additions drawn in, such as DJ accessories, and a Native American feather. I decided to do something similar. Using a picture I took of myself, I used the brush tool to add in extras. For example in the first one I am a viking standing behind a castle wall with a spear, in the second one I added a glorious handlebar moustache. The third one is an off shoot of the first one except with additional lines drawn in to show the face. It sort of looks like he is sleeping but I was trying to make it look like he was winking.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

For this project we had to create a design for Batesville Day. I decided to focus on the run aspect because it interested me more than the other parts. I didn't really know what I wanted to do, so I took a picture of a guy running (across a finish line) and turned it into a silhouette. Then I used a map of the run course and cut it out to set in the picture. I then added text with an effect on it, however it looked a little bland so I threw in a picture of a tree in the background.

Monday, February 11, 2013

For this project we had to turn 2D images into 3D chairs. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate the importance of light and shadow. I decided to make one with a cloud background; I got inspiration from how clouds look so fluffy, and imagining that it would be soft to sit on them if they were solid. For the second chair I added a space/stars background to it; I was trying to make a chair that was kind of otherworldly, or maybe like you were being supported by space, or "floating" in it. One could say it was out of this world. I took the pictures for the new chair surfaces and used warp and puppet warp to help twist them into a shape that was close to the chair's shape. For the shadows I just used burn and dodge which helped give perspective, and different amounts of light. I used drop shadow for the overall shadow. The reason these 2D images look like 3D chairs is because of the way the shadows and light fall on the surface, creating perspective. I probably wouldn't do anything differently next time, although I don't like how there are limits on where and how you can warp something, for example how there are only so many places you can grab and warp.

Friday, February 1, 2013

For this project we had to make a comic strip. We took pictures of ourselves and then put them into other pictures, then used the brush tool to make them look drawn like a cartoon. We just had a simple "plot" of someone going to ride a tiger. The hardest part about this was getting shadows and contrast because its difficult to use the brush tool to imitate light.  Group: Alexander Hunt, Everett Fox.

Monday, January 14, 2013

This is my midterm project. I was blanking on what to do, so I just randomly slapped on stuff to make a sort of collage. At first I was trying to make a sort of face or something, which is why there are eyes and a mouth, however it didn't turn out very well so I gave up.

Friday, January 11, 2013

For this project we had to make a christmas card. I chose as background image of a lit up christmas tree in the middle of a snowy field. I then added a greeting and message.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

These pictures are based off of NAPP tutorials. The first is a watercolor tutorial that turns a picture into a watercolor by giving it brush texture and faded darker colors. The difficulty for this picture was finding good textures for the background. The painting was also difficult, because I couldn't paint too much or it would get too dark, however if I didn't paint enough it didn't have enough color and looked faded. The second picture is a simple picture of a black and white swimmer with only the goggles colored. I just made the entire image black and white and then recolored the area that I wanted.