Monday, January 14, 2013

This is my midterm project. I was blanking on what to do, so I just randomly slapped on stuff to make a sort of collage. At first I was trying to make a sort of face or something, which is why there are eyes and a mouth, however it didn't turn out very well so I gave up.

Friday, January 11, 2013

For this project we had to make a christmas card. I chose as background image of a lit up christmas tree in the middle of a snowy field. I then added a greeting and message.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

These pictures are based off of NAPP tutorials. The first is a watercolor tutorial that turns a picture into a watercolor by giving it brush texture and faded darker colors. The difficulty for this picture was finding good textures for the background. The painting was also difficult, because I couldn't paint too much or it would get too dark, however if I didn't paint enough it didn't have enough color and looked faded. The second picture is a simple picture of a black and white swimmer with only the goggles colored. I just made the entire image black and white and then recolored the area that I wanted.