Wednesday, September 26, 2012

For this assignment we had to take various pictures of five green things and turn them into a cohesive whole. I decided to make a face using the pictures. At first I couldn't think of an idea but after looking around on the internet I decided to make a face sort of like those faces that are sometimes carved out of wood. I don't think my face turned out like the wood carvings, because it is very rounded and doesn't have the right shape, but it still looks like a face. I think the best part of the picture is the hat because it looks like a hat and even has a kind of 3-D aspect that comes from the lines and shades of color in the distorted picture of the brim.

1 comment:

  1. so cool! just want to make sure you incorporated all 15 images? even if not, this is great work. welcome to digital imaging!
