Monday, December 10, 2012

For this project we had to transform an image into a kaleidoscope. For the first one I used a picture of mountains and the aurora borealis. It came out okay, but I had difficulty getting it exactly on 45 degrees. Also even when I had it at 45 degrees there were still gaps between the pieces. I had to use the repair tool in order to make it look reasonable. I also made a second one using a picture of a nebula. However I accidentally made the file so big that I could only save it as a TIFF and it won't let me upload it because its so big. On that one I was unable to get it to 45 degrees because the handle kept snapping to 44.98 and 45.02. I just left it at 45.02 and used the smudge tool to correct it to look a little better.

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